Bridal Bouquet Colorful wedding bouquet made of silk flowers

Bridal Bouquet Colorful wedding bouquet made of silk flowers


This bouquet is made of bright fuchsia peonies, protea, yellow peonies, turquoise cabbage roses, orange ranunculus, blush hydrangea, orange roses and pink snowberries measures approximately 10" in diameter. The flowers are so realistic, they don't look like silk flowers. I can also make custom bouquets of any flower and color choices, just message me :) 

These silk flower bouquets will last much longer than fresh flower bouquets and make a wonderful keepsake from your special day to last a lifetime. They are much easier to care for on your wedding day and you don't have to worry about anything wilting!

If interested, please request me to send a picture before I ship the order :)

Wedding Bouquets are packaged securely and are trackable as well as insured.

If interested in multiple centerpieces or custom bouquets, hair wreaths, or if you have a picture of a different arrangement please message me with the information and a picture if you have one. I can also make custom bouquets of any flower and color choice in any color palette for any season, just message me. My bouquets can also fit any budget, I can adjust the fullness and size to fit your budget.

Please note, each item is handmade for your order, therefore no two are exactly the same.

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