Custom listing for Melissa, April, 2018

Custom listing for Melissa, April, 2018


1 bridal bouquet with peonies, roses, dahlias, anemones, plum/eggplant with burgundy/marsala as an accent, half or 2/3 or the flowers to be cream/soft pink/ivory, and the rest deep plum with the deep burgundy here and there with more greenery in between  for an 11" bouquet $165

3 bridesmaids bouquets a very similar style as bride, but only with the cream/off white/soft pink and none of the plum or burgundy 7" wide $75 each, $225

1 corsage for the brides mother, $28

1 smaller corsage for the flower girl, $23

4 boutonnieres made with small white/ivory rose with a little greenery, $12 each, $48

Loose, short cut cake flowers from $50

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