Peach and Pink Cabbage Roses, Succulents, Baby Breath silk flower bouquet.

Peach and Pink Cabbage Roses, Succulents, Baby Breath silk flower bouquet.


This is a garden inspired wedding bouquet made with peach and pink cabbage roses, ivory garden roses, small peach rosebuds and babies breath with the stems wrapped in birch paper ribbon and tied with twine. This bouquet measures approximately 11-12" in diameter by 14" in length. The last picture shows a wedding flower package that can be made depending on what your needs are for your bridal party.

Flowers and ribbon colors can be customized upon request. These bouquets are much more durable than traditional fresh flower bouquets, and won't wilt during your wedding and you can keep your wedding bouquet for the rest of your life!

Complete weddings available also, contact me for package pricing. My full portfolio selections can be found on my website at

If interested in multiple centerpieces or custom bouquets, hair wreaths, or if you have a picture of a different arrangement please convo me with the information and a picture if you have one.

Please choose the style wrap you would like on the stems, hemp, birch and hemp, or satin ribbon :)

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